Our Name Says It All ...

We are a global HR consultancy on a mission to help you shake things up. Your organization. Your team. Your industry. Even yourself!

We are some of the world’s most experienced HR professionals, supported by state-of-the-art technology and totally focused on attracting, retaining, and motivating the People you need.

So, whether it is securing key talent, turbocharging your leaders, or reenergizing your workforce – and whether you need a one-off project or an end-to-end turnkey solution – we have an answer for every HR challenge.

OrgShakers: The global HR consultancy for workplace transformation.

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Fi Psycho Safety

Psychological Safety at Work: Where Do Employers Start?

Health and safety in the workplace has always been paramount, but in recent years the agenda of health and safety has evolved. This is because in the post-COVID era, many employers have realized that psychological safety plays an important role in optimizing team and organization performance. This sentiment is echoed by the workforce; an overwhelming […]

Fi Loneliness Epidemic

The Loneliness Epidemic: What Can Employers Do to Help?

The US Surgeon General recently declared an ‘epidemic of loneliness and isolation’ in the US. Meanwhile, in the UK, a new study discovered that a third of workers have a high mental health risk which is being driven by workplace loneliness. The above statistic is very telling of the fact that a person’s work life […]

Fi Lunch Atop A Skyscraper

The Evolution of Health and Safety at Work – What’s Next?

Many of us are likely familiar with the famous collection of photographs, Lunch atop a Skyscraper, which depict a group of workers in very precarious – and notably unsafe – positions during the construction of the Empire State Building in 1932. [ Whilst the images are visually stunning, they also highlight a key fact about […]

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